Sunday, October 4, 2009


Columbia is a place that has had a lot of problems in the past but we found the coast very safe. Getting here was quite the ride from Radadero. This coast is known for its fierce conditions and we are here at the best time of year for moderate conditions. We left Radadero at 1:00 am and had a great downwind run to Punta Morro Hermosa . For this area we were seeing winds of 25 knots or so but the seas were running around 3 meters. We tucked in for a night of rest before motor sailing over to Cartagena. The city could be seen from a long ways off with all the high rise buildings along the water front. We anchored up by Club Nautico where an agent would be to assist (mandatory) us in clearing in. He spoke English very well and we had no problem understanding each other. There is not much to look at in the new city the real place of interest in the old city. The short walk there was quite nice also. The old city is very well preserved/ restored and takes several trips to see it all. 4 couples went out for dinner one night and had a pleasant walk back after dark. The old city really lights up at night and was quite a sight. The amount of vendors is hard to adjust to. They approach you everywhere, even when you are sitting in the cafes. They will line up and politely take a turn at you to try to sell you there wares. You get used to saying no real fast. Things are very inexpensive and most all you might want you can find here. Many boaters get work done here because of the cheep labor. With all the high rises we had expected a bright skyline, instead there were very few lights in these buildings. Made the city seem deserted. The harbor water was rather nasty and very warm at 90 deg. Growth on the bottom and ground tackle is incredible. Radadero 15NM sailed,
61 NM fast sail 9 3/4 hours to Punta Morro Hermosa, 52 NM to Cartagena 11 hours, sailed 3.

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