Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Beach Fl.

We ended up motoring to Lake Worth from Miami being the only weather window we had in a week was for no wind, we took it. Along the way we had a Homeland & Security boat sneak up on us. Finding out that we had checked in at Key West 3 weeks ago they left us to continue on our way. We motor sailed close to the 10 to 12 KN. wind over night to make the inlet in daylight the next morning. We anchored just inside the inlet and fought some vicious tidal currents until we moved 4.5 NM. up the waterway to North Palm Beach to a very placed anchorage where shopping was only 1 bock away. We had our friends Mel and Joni from Serene aboard for dinner. We also got to see Steve from Broad Reaching whom we met 10 months ago. He returned home to Stewart Fl. while we were here. We also got to see some family from Sarnia Ont.Ca. that were in the area during our stay. We really enjoyed seeing our cruising friends one last time and family before we moved on. 73NM. 14 hours overnight motoring and motor sailing.

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