Friday, August 14, 2009


Pretty well below the hurricane belt we relax and enjoy the sights and people here a bit longer than the other islands. We also make a decision on where to go next. Granada is a lot of fun and we see a lot of boats here that we have heard of and seen all along the way. Some are putting up there boats and going home others are hanging out for the hurricane season and some are resting for the next leg. We have a great time getting to know some of the locals and touring the island. We go on waterfall tours and the local fish fry on Friday nights. There are several anchorages and we move around every couple of weeks. We give up on the water maker and buy water jugs and lash them down on deck. Transportation around the island is easy and inexpensive so we go to town and the market area often. Shopping is great so we really stock the boat up with food, wine and rum for the coming months. Rum is very cheep here. They have quite a few distilleries on the island and competition is stiff. Even there songs are about rum. More rum, more rum, morerummorerummorerum. What more can you say, they like there rum. We see some friends for the last time as we go our different ways , relishing the friendships we made and the adventures so far.

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