Friday, December 4, 2009

Isla De Guanaja, Honduras

Leaving San Andres on 11-20-09 we made this long trip with 4 stops, 3 at very isolated reefs well offshore, originally it was to be a 3 stop trip.The first stop was supposed to be a short trip of 63NM. to a reef north of the island of Providencia. Our tack angle had taken us a good 30 miles off course and heading into a southerly 2 1/2 knot current, we were north bound and we seemed to be going along quite well until we looked at the GPS and it said we were only going 2 1/2 knots. Our tack back towards our destination had us losing our northward progress. We already had been out 24 hours and decided to tuck in behind Providencia 8 miles short of the reef. We still did not get in until almost 10:oo pm, 110NM later. We rocked and rolled all night passably our second worst anchorage ever. We were up and ready at first light to finish the remaining 8 miles and get some protection at Low Cay. This looked like we were anchored in the middle of the ocean. The only land was Low Cay which was very small and awash. The reef which was very large provided excellent protection. There was only two other boats we seen here the 3 days we waited out the weather. On one we knew one of the crew who has been crewing on different boats sense Turks Caicos on yet another boat.

Next leg took us to another reef system but this one had a few small cays. Cayos Cajones is where we stopped at and rested for a day and a half. No where to go here just stayed on the boat.

The last leg we got to test our boats and our skills. We had to dodge squalls the second day out and on the second night we got hit by a fierce cold front that did not have any rain or clouds to give it away so we could not see it coming. We ended up heaving too for half the night until the high confused seas settled into their new pattern at 2:00 am. We lost about 8 miles drifting down wind through the night but we were able to get some rest. We were able to sail to within 17 miles of the island before the wind just died away and we had to motor in the rest of the way. The main island has very few people on it, instead they are all crammed on a very small island in the south bay. So many that they have even built buildings on stilts over the water extending off the land. Hurricane Mitch hovered over the island for 3 days devastating it in 1998. It was nice to hear English spoken again and to be hear from the locals about their island.

Here the water was very clear and we could see the bottom of the keel so we ran some lines under it to support it so that i could replace the rudder cap that rotted from electrolysis. The emergency repair that i did in the Chagres River held it together and got us here but i was nervous.

We did visit the main island at El Bight where a German couple ran a bar. The upstairs of the bar was an open loft, perfect for us to do some sail repair on Serene's stay sail.

Providencia 110NM sailed 26.5 hours motored 4 hours into anchorage in the dark, very slowly. Low cay 8NM motored.

Cayos Cajones 196NM 39 hours sailed all but 4 hours into anchorage in the dark, again.

Isla De Guanaja 180NM 48 hours heaving to for 6 hours.

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