Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wightsville Beach NC.

Anchored in Wrightville Beach where we are visiting family and friends that we have not seen in a year and a half. New and growing grand children are the biggest indicators of how long we have been gone. We had a great time seeing Andrew and Aarons families. Getting together for BBQ's and visiting aboard Rapscallion II.

Friday, April 23, 2010

North Carolina

We set off from Charleston SC. the morning of 4-22-10 for the overnight trip to Wrightsville beach. The wind was so light the entire way we had to motor and motor sail. We are way over due to have the bottom and prop cleaned. We are losing 1 to 1.5 knots from the growth. In Charleston i tried using a brush on a long handle to remove what i could but it wasn't enough.
The second day we spent motoring against the Cape Fear river tidal current into the ICW to Wrightsville Beach. 151 NM , 32 1/2 hours, (gad).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Charleston SC.

We have really enjoyed our stay once again in Charleston. It is such a beautiful city with so many historic buildings. We especially enjoyed the French Quarter of the city. We had a bad scare the first night here when around 1:00 am we were hit by another boat. By time i got on deck they were gone and out of sight, quite possibly very drunk. We had a bent stanchion and some black rubber marks on the side but no real damage. I was able to remove the black marks and bend the stanchion back but i don't think the other guy will be able to put back the gel coat he left on our deck. He must have made a nice gouge down the side of his hull. The weather has been great with no rain. 168NM, Light winds, 33 3/4 hours , motored 3/4 of the way.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fernandina Beach FL.

We had some mixed emotions about being back in Fernandina Beach. Its a lovely town and very cruiser friendly, but unlike the December before last we had horrendous no-see-ums attacking us this time. We revisited the shops and found the large grocery outside town to stock up at. The weather has been all northeast, the very direction we need to go, so we are here for almost 2 weeks until the weather breaks. We took a short 7.5 Nm. motor boat trip over to St. Marys Ga. for a couple of days where when we were pulling anchor to return to Fernandina Beach, we discovered we had a raccoon stow away in our anchor locker. Unfortunately i had to send him swimming back to shore. St. Marys is a very nice town but very small with no provisioning at all. 56 NM. motored the entire way.

Monday, April 5, 2010

St. Augustine Fl.

We got into St . Augustine on March 27 @ 10:00 PM but had to anchor outside along the inlet until morning being that we could not find the channel buoys. We moved inside the harbor at 7:30 in the following morning. It is a very pretty town but not very friendly to cruisers. We were charged $10:00 a day to tie up the dinghy at the city dock. Shopping was 1 1/2 miles or so away but other than that our stay was pleasant. We visited with some folks we met along the way, Tont and Sue, who live outside of town, that we have become friends with. They showed us a good time taking us out to dinner and a day out on there power boat Scarlett. 217 NM. 41 hours total. Motor sailed half.