Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Charleston SC.

We have really enjoyed our stay once again in Charleston. It is such a beautiful city with so many historic buildings. We especially enjoyed the French Quarter of the city. We had a bad scare the first night here when around 1:00 am we were hit by another boat. By time i got on deck they were gone and out of sight, quite possibly very drunk. We had a bent stanchion and some black rubber marks on the side but no real damage. I was able to remove the black marks and bend the stanchion back but i don't think the other guy will be able to put back the gel coat he left on our deck. He must have made a nice gouge down the side of his hull. The weather has been great with no rain. 168NM, Light winds, 33 3/4 hours , motored 3/4 of the way.

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